A recent amendment was made to the Seychelles International Business Companies (IBC) Act and the following will now be applicable in relation to the Register of Directors filing requirement and restoration of struck-off companies:

Register of Directors

  1. The penalty for the omission to file the Register of Directors with the Seychelles Company Registry shall now be U.S. $250,00 plus U.S. $25,00 for each day of non-compliance with the obligation to file the Register.
  2. The Register of Directors filed with the Seychelles Company Registry shall not be disclosed or made available in any manner to any person except:
  • in obedience to a Court order
  • when compelled by enforcement Law
  • to the Registered Agent of a company to which the Register of Directors relates
  • to a specified third party upon authorization of the Register Agent or a Director of a company to which the Register of Director relates.

Restoration of Struck Off Companies

It shall now be possible to restore a company that has remained struck off for a consecutive period of 7 years, with the time period having been increased from 5 consecutive years.

We shall be pleased to assist with any inquiries you may have on the above or any other matter relating to the formation of Seychelles companies.